INTERVIEW – Should we rethink innovation testing?

Whether it is a question of disruptive innovation or incremental innovation, François Abiven, director of Repères, is convinced of the power of test and learn, especially if the latter is based on consumer emotions.

In a social context in perpetual motion, it is not always easy for historical companies established on the market to demonstrate innovation. How will the evolution or appearance of a concept be perceived, welcomed, adopted, etc.? To answer these questions, consumers' tolerance to changes must be measured and taken into account in the process of developing and promoting new concepts.

In order to carry out relevant "concept screenings" , the Marketing Repères institute classifies consumers according to their relationship to innovation . Among them are pioneers, followers, laggards and resisters, who obviously differ from one sector to another. A method that has proven itself, based on the work of sociologist and statistician Everett Rogers, famous for his theory on the diffusion of innovations.

After this key step, it is the turn of the R3m Score tool to come into play, a unique analysis solution created and developed at Repères which makes it possible to analyze the level of emotional activation and to predict the behavior of different consumer typologies when faced with these innovations .


To learn more about the best way to boost the success rate of your innovations, we invite you to read the full interview with François Abiven on the MR news website, the e‑mag for insight hunters and people centricity

Read the interview

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