Emotional Customer Journey: Are You Ready to Revolutionize Your Customer Approach to Boost Your Brand and Build Customer Loyalty ?

With R3m Score©, get to the heart of Customer Experience by integrating an emotional measurement for a global understanding of all points of contact with your brand.  

Why add an emotional dimension to the analysis of your Customer Journey ?  

The integration of emotional and spontaneous measurement is essential for a more holistic understanding of customer behavior and customers’ connection to your brand. It also provides an analytic depth thanks to spontaneous reactions, difficult to obtain with traditional questionnaires.  

Spontaneous language gives access to what people feel without the influence of reasoning and reveals the associations of ideas and concepts that form automatically and take root in people’s minds. 

With R3m Score©, an intuitive and easy‑to‑use tool, we translate these spontaneous expressions into emotional intensity, offering a precise vision of the highlights and irritating aspects in the Customer Journey.  

Our goal : to identify the emotional levers in order to maximize satisfaction at every interaction with the brand. 

An exclusive, simple and effective approach tailored to your Customer Journey 

Our methodology begins by identifying the key moments in the Customer Journey, either through in‑depth qualitative analysis or by making good use of your company’s internal knowledge. Afterwards, we design a concise quantitative questionnaire to evaluate all stages, based on a complete or partial experience plan. For each stage : 

  • 3 spontaneous words to measure emotional intensity with a single question 
  • Specific questions such as overall satisfaction, Net Promoter Score (NPS), optimization suggestions… 

This questioning of customers can be done on the spot (i.e. right after the experience) or on the fly (i.e. based on memory). 

As a result, we’re able to illustrate customers’ emotional engagement throughout their journey, highlighting the most significant drivers at each stage.  


We also cross‑reference this emotional perception with classic rational indicators such as NPS, enabling us to understand how this score is constructed with customers and to orientate actions aimed at improving it. 

A tested and approved method ! 

Several brands have trusted us to understand their entire Customer Journey. Thanks to R3m Score©, they have been able to identify not only the moments of delight, during which the brand has been able to create a strong attachment, but also moments that were more difficult emotionally and represent an opportunity to provide facilitating solutions.  

Ready to transform your Customer Approach and build Customer Loyalty ? Find out now how the Emotional Customer Journey can help you achieve this goal ! 

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